Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Scattered Thoughts

So much has happened these past couple of days. It's been a crazy non stop to-do list. I haven't had any time to just collect my thoughts to figure out what to post. So here are some scattered thoughts... 

-our house is coming together quite nicely...& I'm pretty excited about it. I can't wait for reveal of each room! 

-you should definitely call & tell your parents (or the people who raised you) that you love them-right now. I'm serious. Sunday morning I got a voicemail I needed to call home because my papa was in the hospital. Luckily, he's fine. But,  to be honest I was pretty much raised like a princess in that house. So entirely too much of the time I ask my grandparents to do things for me instead of asking what I can do for them

-I really really really want to start fully eating "clean" but junk tastes so dang good. I need motivation

-I need a mom break. Terribly. Joe's been working and then going to work on the house so my days are extra long. Extra long & wonderful of course but a girl can only handle so much. Plus I just miss my smokin' hot husband

-I'm pretty whiney....

-the twins are 3 months old !! 

-J is potty training. We're doing pretty good. She even almost peed in the potty today...but I found the pee right next to the potty instead. However, before dinner, she took her diaper off & sat down all by herself. Proud moment. 

-Joe's birthday is Saturday. Birthdays are my favorite. I can't wait to celebrate him all day long. I've already got his day planned out-cause I love him and stuff. 

Harmon Housewife

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