My only baby who looks like me.
At first, you were always so serious. I was curious to when you'd smile. & one day you did, and then you never stopped.
I've since learned that's just you.
You don't want help. You don't want to be held all day. You want freedom. But, you still want momma.
You want to play without being bothered. You want to pick your own self up when you fall. You want to explore alone. But you still want momma.
You are beautiful. You are strong, you are determined. You are fun. You are a challenge.
My biggest challenge thus far as a mother is you. I'm learning how to balance being your momma and being your sidekick. I know you need both, but learning when to be what is hard.
I want to save you all the time. I want to cuddle you during nap even though you sleep better without me. I want to run to you when you fall over even thought you don't cry. I want to be your momma, but I'm learning all you need is a sidekick.
When you need momma, you'll let me know. And I'll be there, waiting. I can be your sidekick because that's what you need. But even when you don't know it, you need momma too.
You need the kisses you don't ask for. You need the cuddles during naps that you don't seem to like. You need to know that when you fall, I'll always run to you.
Jessa, you are strong. But it's okay to be weak. You are determined, but it's okay to let loose. & Jessa, you are a challenge. But it's okay because I needed one.
So I'll be here. No matter what title you need, I'll be here.
& no matter what title you ask me to be, I'll always be momma too.
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