Why am I telling you this?
Because it's amazing.
She's talking to Jesus.
I don't care what she's saying, and neither does he. I guarantee you, all of the words and phrases she says right now that I can't fully understand - he does. And I have no idea what he says to her because she can't tell me. But what I do know, is that my daughter will be 2 in 2 weeks, & I'm in complete and utter awe at her child sized faith.
From the moment we found out I was pregnant, the very night, Joe prayed. He prayed for me all day and he prayed to my stomach and for our "Jbaby". He prayed for many things and has continued to pray for many things during our sweet babies lives but he always ends with, "....and we pray that these children run to you and become men & women of God." Everytime.
I'm not saying J is like this simply because we prayed. That wouldn't be true. I know that she's like this because of our actions. But, watching J, it is pretty obvious to me that my 2 year old (might as well call her that!) has stronger faith than I.
What? Did I just say that???
Yes, I did. No error. You read that right.
More faith than me? Yes.
Why? Because I've spent my entire life at church. I've spent my entire life hearing bible verses, being prayed to, being prayed for, going to church camps, youth groups, and having God's word chirped in my ear. And although this has happened, I strayed. And although this has happened, I only recently started talking to God like he was a person. Just talking to him daily as I would any other person.
And here she is, my sweet J, beginning her relationship with The Lord. And talking to Jesus more than I am.
And I know, I know, relationships with God are not a competition.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I look up to my daughter.
That faith, that faith to trust me, to trust her father to lead her in the right direction, to trust us when we tell her that He is good, that faith is flawless. That faith is beautiful. That is the faith I strive for.
& really, isn't that the type of faith we should all strive for? A faith that is not shaken, that doesn't question, only wants more. More knowledge, more worship, more of Him.
One day she might ask questions, wonder, stray. But here's what I know - it's not my job to raise a Christian child. It's my job to model how a Christian woman should be. What they choose later in life will be completely up to them. But I will be encouraging her faith along the way, guiding her. So that when the day comes that her faith does raise a question, she can stand firm.
I'll remind her of these days for the rest of her life. How her child faith inspired me to keep going, keep reaching, keep learning.
I am incredibly blessed to be her momma. I can not wait to see what God had planned for her.
Harmon Housewife
Perhaps that seemingly innate eagerness and open receptivity to principles of faith are why Jesus said in Matthew: "Truly I say unto you, unless you turn and become as little children, you shall not see the kingdom of heaven."