Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer Activities

Having to plan things for your kids can get expensive! Especially when you want to keep them occupied & busy but also continuously learning. So that's why I've compiled a list of what our summer in the Harmon House will look like. These activities are basically free. Aside from lunches, snacks, etc that you'll need to bring or do. The best way to save money is by using what you have. I can't stress this enough. Doing an art activity? Use scraps! Lunch time? Grab different leftovers/snacks & build a variety plate. Get creative & get resourceful. Fun does not depend on the amount of money spent! 

Here's some things I have planned:

1. SPLASH PADS. Splash pads are awesome for several reasons. But just let me list a few: 
-socialization. Afraid of going alone? Don't be. Someone will be there. Who knows, maybe you'll meet a new Mom! 
-perfect for hot weather
-engaging. Most splash pads have great hands on equipment kids can use and explore with. 

2. Park Picnics. Every kid loves the park. Want to get out of the house but just for a little? Pack a picnic & head to the park! 

3. Mall! The mall is perfect for those terribly hot days. You can get a nice walk, look around with your kiddos, & end or begin at the play area! Invite a friend or meet someone new. The play area is always filled with parents & their little sweeties! 

4. Start a play group. I am always seeing posts from mommas who want to get together with kids in their child's age range & visit with other moms. Start a group! Take turns hosting it & planning the days activities. Have each family bring their own lunch or a dish to contribute to the meal! 

5. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!!! Sign your kids up! I'm so excited to volunteer at ours this year and it is AMAZING what we have planned. I'm sure you can find a great one no matter what area you're in! 

6. Libraries. SO many libraries have summer reading programs and story times. Look around! This will be my first year to do this with J & I'm looking forward to seeing her enjoy reading (hopefully). Our library also has a toddler time we will be going to this summer! 

7. Scavenger hunts. I love doing these with J. Since she is still learning new words every day I do her hunts very open ended. I describe things I'd like her to find. This helps me evaluate her comprehension skills. I'm usually pretty impressed at what she brings me! For older ones, you could do it more centered towards a certain subject (alphabet, math, nature, life skills, etc). 

8. Site see!!! There are so many things in every area/town that as adults we take for granted. Start taking advantage! Go for a stroll & explore your city with the kids. Or explore your favorite parts if the city. I see several downtown walks in my family's summer! Make a list of things you want to see in your city & mark them off as you go! 
I hope these activities help to kick your creative juices in & get you moving with your kids this summer. Don't worry about the money, the perfect activity, or the plans. Don't forget to enjoy the time with your kids- that's what they will remember. They may not remember the day, the time, the place...but they'll remember the time you shared. 

Harmon Housewife

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Chicken & Kale Enchilada Casserole

I'm obsessed with enchiladas. Obsessed. I'm always trying new ways to create them. And my ideas usually turn out pretty wonderful. But tonight, I was kindof skeptical. I bought Kale to make smoothie packs for my husband & I. I'm not too much of a fan of Kale but I've read so many benefits to the green so I'm curious to find a way to eat it more! I only used about half the bag for the smoothie so I still had a lot left & no clue what to do. I came into the kitchen to start prepping dinner & I see this beautiful bag of Kale saying, "Use me! Use me!". So I thought, "Why not?!" 

That's when a magnificent recipe was born. 

I'd also like to say, I'm a mom of 3 kids under the age of 2. So I don't have time to roll enchiladas, so when I say we're having enchiladas, I actually mean we're having enchilada casserole. It's delicious either way so I make no apologies. None. 

I make my own enchilada sauce simply because I like it. It really doesn't take a lot of extra time & I always have the ingredients on hand because I cook the majority of our meals from scratch. If you're busy or don't have the spices for your own enchilada sauce, don't sweat it.  Canned sauce will work just as good! 

Give this simple recipe a try on your next Mexican night! 

For the sauce:

2 cans no salt added tomato sauce 
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp cumin
1/2 tbsp onion powder 
1/2 tbsp chili powder
1/2 tbsp oregano 

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and set aside. 

For the chicken mixture: 

2 chicken breast, boiled & then shredded
1 cup boiling broth (or water if using pre packaged chicken)
8 oz kale (1/2 bag)
1/2 tbsp onion powder
1/2 tbsp chili powder
1/2 tbsp garlic powder 
1 tbsp cumin 
2/3 cup Greek yogurt 
1/4 tsp garlic powder (for kale) 
Salt & pepper (for kale)

1. Put 1 cup of your boiling water (what you cooked your chicken in) into a sauce pan. Add kale. 
2. Sauté kale until wilted, add 1/4 tsp garlic powder, & salt & pepper to taste. 
3. Mix in chicken, Greek yogurt, & remaining spices. 
4. Mix all ingredients together until you get a good mixture that's thick & creamy. 

For the casserole:

18 corn tortillas 
Enchilada sauce
Chicken Mixture 
1 cup of cheese

--set oven to 375 degrees 
1. Spray pan with nonfat cooking spray. Pour a little enchilada sauce onto bottom of the dish & spread around. 
2. Layer 6 corn tortillas to cover bottom of dish, top with more enchilada sauce. (Not to much, just enough to keep the tortillas moist & flavored!)
3. Layer 1/2 the chicken mixture onto tortillas, top with sauce (just enough to cover). 
4. Add 6 corn tortillas, a little more sauce, & the last layer of chicken. 
5. Add the remaining corn tortillas, top with your sauce. (I had a little too much sauce so I stored it in the fridge). 
6. Top with 1 cup freshly shredded Colby jack cheese.
7. Bake for 45 minutes. 

& my favorite part:

Now, I'm not saying this is THE best enchilada casserole I've ever made, but I am saying- it was pretty close. & since on top of it being absolutely wonderful it's also healthy? HECK YES! I served ours with corn on the cob & ranch beans. We all enjoyed this meal & yes, that's including my toddler :) meals in the Harmon House must be toddler approved! 

Harmon Housewife

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Before you had kids, all you had were friendships. After kids, you had friendships & then you were introduced to Momships.

Momships are pretty much like friendships except you're really only getting together because your kids play well. If you're really lucky, your Momship will turn into a friendship. & if you're really really lucky, a friendship with sail over into Momship when your both in the same stage of life. 

But Momships are entirely different than friendships in two key areas: 

Ok, let's be honest, when your kids are involved, how many of you get entirely too defensive? (My hand is raised.) You literally cannot try & tell a mom anything negative, "constructive" criticism, or different views on subjects that particular mom is passionate about. Example:: someone tried to tell me that I shouldn't babywear because it will make my children too dependent. ---I'm an avid baby wearer & wish I had more wraps/carriers. Obviously, I fully disagree with that statement so it got me pretty heated! Another example:: breastfeeding/bottle feeding. This is not an area you want to go with any mom if you're close minded on either side. & then that brings me to forgiveness, it's entirely harder to forgive Momships because it's usually disagreements over your kids or parenting. 

Let's be clear about this, I'm 100% guilty of being on both sides. But I really do try to be open to pretty much all things. Why? Because I also 100% believe that every mom out there is just trying to do what's best for her kids, her family, and her self. I feel as if sometimes, it's just hard to see past what we want because we always feel our way is THE way. 

& I've finally come to the conclusion, there is no ONE way to parent effectively. I actually read that on a blog awhile back & I'm paraphrasing here but he basically said, "If there are a million kids out there, there are a million different ways to parent. " 

Wow, way to slap me in the face with some stone cold truth! I've never read a more accurate statement about parenting. 

So I'm basically writing this so that maybe other moms can see that statement, & maybe it can save your Momships. 

"I don't need Momships!" - says the doubting homebody mom. 

Yes, you really do. Here's why: 

1. Momships share & fully know "the struggle". --you're late? No problem. Been there. You yelled at your kids today? Don't beat yourself up. Been there. You have to cancel literally last minute? Absolutely no problem, been there. 

2. Momships have full open range to brag about your kids. You can totally send your Momship a picture of your kids doing nothing but being cute. Why? Because they get it. 

3. Momships are totally cool with your messy house. Need I say more? 

4. Momships are completely okay that you're in the sweatpants from yesterday & that you can't exactly remember if you put deodorant on that morning. But, your kids look adorable. That's what matters. 

5. Momships have the potential to be the greatest friendships of your life. Let it happen. Enjoy the struggle, the joy, & the bond that comes with motherhood. 

I only wish I had known these things about Momships while pregnant with J. I'm just now seeing the greatness that comes with Momships and I feel so blessed God's brought me moms to share life with. I cherish my Momships, because most have turned into genuine friendships. 

Harmon Housewife

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Work In Progress

There's something beautiful about going off the grid. It's like a cleanse of all things unnecessary. I finally deactivated my Facebook today, I felt excited. I felt happy. I felt free. I haven't decided if it is a permanent thing or if it's temporary, but I know that for now, it's what I needed. 

Social media literally consumes my life in ways it shouldn't. I find myself consumed by the lives of others, consumed by my thoughts, consumed with judgement, consumed with how I appear. I don't like that person, I'm constantly fighting that person.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about slowing down my life, I feel I've done a tremendous job so far. But God is consistently showing me areas in need of cleansing, areas in need of separation, and areas that need to be completely shut down in my life. I'm a work in progress. I'm better, but I'm no where near my full potential. 

Since starting my journey to work on my life about 2 years ago, I've been so grateful for the friendships God has restored and the friendships God has shown me to rid myself of. As I grow in my new determination to fully live for Him, I find odds against me. & that is why I'm slowly cleaning out even more areas of my life- such as social media. 

I want to be a person that makes others literally run towards Christ. I want to be a person that shows his mercy, his grace, his works through my life. I'm not sure when I'll get there fully, but I know I won't stop until I do. 

Harmon Housewife