Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Before you had kids, all you had were friendships. After kids, you had friendships & then you were introduced to Momships.

Momships are pretty much like friendships except you're really only getting together because your kids play well. If you're really lucky, your Momship will turn into a friendship. & if you're really really lucky, a friendship with sail over into Momship when your both in the same stage of life. 

But Momships are entirely different than friendships in two key areas: 

Ok, let's be honest, when your kids are involved, how many of you get entirely too defensive? (My hand is raised.) You literally cannot try & tell a mom anything negative, "constructive" criticism, or different views on subjects that particular mom is passionate about. Example:: someone tried to tell me that I shouldn't babywear because it will make my children too dependent. ---I'm an avid baby wearer & wish I had more wraps/carriers. Obviously, I fully disagree with that statement so it got me pretty heated! Another example:: breastfeeding/bottle feeding. This is not an area you want to go with any mom if you're close minded on either side. & then that brings me to forgiveness, it's entirely harder to forgive Momships because it's usually disagreements over your kids or parenting. 

Let's be clear about this, I'm 100% guilty of being on both sides. But I really do try to be open to pretty much all things. Why? Because I also 100% believe that every mom out there is just trying to do what's best for her kids, her family, and her self. I feel as if sometimes, it's just hard to see past what we want because we always feel our way is THE way. 

& I've finally come to the conclusion, there is no ONE way to parent effectively. I actually read that on a blog awhile back & I'm paraphrasing here but he basically said, "If there are a million kids out there, there are a million different ways to parent. " 

Wow, way to slap me in the face with some stone cold truth! I've never read a more accurate statement about parenting. 

So I'm basically writing this so that maybe other moms can see that statement, & maybe it can save your Momships. 

"I don't need Momships!" - says the doubting homebody mom. 

Yes, you really do. Here's why: 

1. Momships share & fully know "the struggle". --you're late? No problem. Been there. You yelled at your kids today? Don't beat yourself up. Been there. You have to cancel literally last minute? Absolutely no problem, been there. 

2. Momships have full open range to brag about your kids. You can totally send your Momship a picture of your kids doing nothing but being cute. Why? Because they get it. 

3. Momships are totally cool with your messy house. Need I say more? 

4. Momships are completely okay that you're in the sweatpants from yesterday & that you can't exactly remember if you put deodorant on that morning. But, your kids look adorable. That's what matters. 

5. Momships have the potential to be the greatest friendships of your life. Let it happen. Enjoy the struggle, the joy, & the bond that comes with motherhood. 

I only wish I had known these things about Momships while pregnant with J. I'm just now seeing the greatness that comes with Momships and I feel so blessed God's brought me moms to share life with. I cherish my Momships, because most have turned into genuine friendships. 

Harmon Housewife

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