Social media literally consumes my life in ways it shouldn't. I find myself consumed by the lives of others, consumed by my thoughts, consumed with judgement, consumed with how I appear. I don't like that person, I'm constantly fighting that person.
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about slowing down my life, I feel I've done a tremendous job so far. But God is consistently showing me areas in need of cleansing, areas in need of separation, and areas that need to be completely shut down in my life. I'm a work in progress. I'm better, but I'm no where near my full potential.
Since starting my journey to work on my life about 2 years ago, I've been so grateful for the friendships God has restored and the friendships God has shown me to rid myself of. As I grow in my new determination to fully live for Him, I find odds against me. & that is why I'm slowly cleaning out even more areas of my life- such as social media.
I want to be a person that makes others literally run towards Christ. I want to be a person that shows his mercy, his grace, his works through my life. I'm not sure when I'll get there fully, but I know I won't stop until I do.
Harmon Housewife
Well written. May you be blessed on your journey.