Having to plan things for your kids can get expensive! Especially when you want to keep them occupied & busy but also continuously learning. So that's why I've compiled a list of what our summer in the Harmon House will look like. These activities are basically free. Aside from lunches, snacks, etc that you'll need to bring or do. The best way to save money is by using what you have. I can't stress this enough. Doing an art activity? Use scraps! Lunch time? Grab different leftovers/snacks & build a variety plate. Get creative & get resourceful. Fun does not depend on the amount of money spent!
Here's some things I have planned:
1. SPLASH PADS. Splash pads are awesome for several reasons. But just let me list a few:
-socialization. Afraid of going alone? Don't be. Someone will be there. Who knows, maybe you'll meet a new Mom!
-perfect for hot weather
-engaging. Most splash pads have great hands on equipment kids can use and explore with.
2. Park Picnics. Every kid loves the park. Want to get out of the house but just for a little? Pack a picnic & head to the park!
3. Mall! The mall is perfect for those terribly hot days. You can get a nice walk, look around with your kiddos, & end or begin at the play area! Invite a friend or meet someone new. The play area is always filled with parents & their little sweeties!
4. Start a play group. I am always seeing posts from mommas who want to get together with kids in their child's age range & visit with other moms. Start a group! Take turns hosting it & planning the days activities. Have each family bring their own lunch or a dish to contribute to the meal!
5. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!!! Sign your kids up! I'm so excited to volunteer at ours this year and it is AMAZING what we have planned. I'm sure you can find a great one no matter what area you're in!
6. Libraries. SO many libraries have summer reading programs and story times. Look around! This will be my first year to do this with J & I'm looking forward to seeing her enjoy reading (hopefully). Our library also has a toddler time we will be going to this summer!
7. Scavenger hunts. I love doing these with J. Since she is still learning new words every day I do her hunts very open ended. I describe things I'd like her to find. This helps me evaluate her comprehension skills. I'm usually pretty impressed at what she brings me! For older ones, you could do it more centered towards a certain subject (alphabet, math, nature, life skills, etc).
8. Site see!!! There are so many things in every area/town that as adults we take for granted. Start taking advantage! Go for a stroll & explore your city with the kids. Or explore your favorite parts if the city. I see several downtown walks in my family's summer! Make a list of things you want to see in your city & mark them off as you go!
I hope these activities help to kick your creative juices in & get you moving with your kids this summer. Don't worry about the money, the perfect activity, or the plans. Don't forget to enjoy the time with your kids- that's what they will remember. They may not remember the day, the time, the place...but they'll remember the time you shared.
Harmon Housewife
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